Project: Support of business processes in AUTOPART S.A. thanks to implementation of B2B informatics tool

No.: UDA-POIG.08.02.00-18-042/09 

Co-financed with EC funds in the frames of European Fund of Regional Development Operational Program Innovative Economy Operation 8.2 Support of electronic business type B2B

„Donations for innovations – we invest in your future”

Project: Preparation of export development plan for AUTOPART S.A.

Nr: UDA-POIG.06.01.00-18-012/09

No.: UDA-POIG.06.01.00-18-012/09

Co-financed with EC funds in the frames of European Fund of Regional Development Operational Program Innovative Economy Operation 6.1 Passport to export

„Donations for innovations – we invest in your future”

Total value of the project PLN: 25.500,00

Project: Preparation of export development plan for PPUH AUTOPART Sp .z o.o
No.: UDA-POIG.06.01.00-18-055/09

Co-financed with EC funds in the frames of European Fund of Regional Development Operational Program Innovative Economy Operation 6.1 Passport to export

„Donations for innovations – we invest in your future”

Total value of the project PLN: 25.500,00

Project: Implementation of export development plan for AUTOPART S.A.

Nr: UDA-POIG.06.01.00-18-038/09

Co-financed with EC funds in the frames of European Fund of Regional Development Operational Program Innovative Economy Operation 6.1 Passport to export

„Donations for innovations – we invest in your future”

Total value of the project PLN: 397,569,00

Project: Complex management of stock thanks to use of innovative solutions such as high storage, logistics and transport

No.: UDA- RPPK.01.01.00-18-849/09

Co-financed with EC funds in the frames of European Fund of Regional Development Operational Program for Podkarpackie region for years 2007-2013 and with budgetary funds

Operation 1.1 „Capital support for enterprises” Scheme B – Direct Investment donations

„We invest in development of the Podkarpackie region”

Total value of the project PLN: 4.436.164,00

Project: Purchase and implementation of the integrated system for circulative formation of batteries

No.: UDA- RPPK.01.01.00-18-847/09

Co-financed with EC funds in the frames of European Fund of Regional Development Operational Program for Podkarpackie region for years 2007-2013 and with budgetary funds

Operation 1.1 „Capital support for enterprises” Scheme B – Direct Investment donations

„We invest in development of the Podkarpackie region”

Total value of the project PLN: 4.436.273,80

The project: “Implementation of improved battery technology using innovative additives”

The project no. POIR.03.02.02-00-0360/16

realized under the Operational Program of Intelligent Development of 2014-2020,

under the Activity 3.2 “The support for implementation of results of R&D works”, the sub-activity 3.2.2 “The credit for technological innovation”

within the Priority Axis III “Support for innovation in enterprises” of Operational Program of Intelligent Development of 2014-2020.

The main purpose of the project – the increase of competitiveness and innovativeness of the company PPUH Autopart Jacek Bak Sp. z o. o., through the implementation to the production its own new technology resulting from its own R & D works (technological innovation) and launching on this basis the production of significantly improved high-efficiency batteries using innovative types of additives.

The project duration: January 2016 – July 2017

The total value of the project: 10 063 000 PLN

The subsidy for the project: 6 000 000 PLN

The Name of the beneficiary: PPUH AUTOPART Jacek Bąk sp. z o.o.